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Cimzia 200 mg ( certolizumab ) solution for injection in pre-filled syringe
1. Name of the medicinal product

Cimzia 200 mg solution for injection in pre-filled syringe


2. Qualitative and quantitative composition

Each pre-filled syringe contains 200 mg certolizumab pegol in one ml.

Certolizumab pegol is a recombinant, humanised antibody Fab' fragment against tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNFα) expressed in Escherichia coli and conjugated to polyethylene glycol (PEG).

For the full list of excipients, see section 6.1.


3. Pharmaceutical form

Solution for injection (injection).

Clear to opalescent, colourless to yellow solution. The pH of the solution is approximately 4.7.


4. Clinical particulars


4.1 Therapeutic indications

Rheumatoid arthritis

Cimzia, in combination with methotrexate (MTX), is indicated for:

• the treatment of moderate to severe, active rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in adult patients when the response to disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) including MTX, has been inadequate. Cimzia can be given as monotherapy in case of intolerance to MTX or when continued treatment with MTX is inappropriate

• the treatment of severe, active and progressive RA in adults not previously treated with MTX or other DMARDs.

Cimzia has been shown to reduce the rate of progression of joint damage as measured by X-ray and to improve physical function, when given in combination with MTX.

Axial spondyloarthritis

Cimzia is indicated for the treatment of adult patients with severe active axial spondyloarthritis, comprising:

Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) (also known as radiographic axial spondyloarthritis)

Adults with severe active ankylosing spondylitis who have had an inadequate response to, or are intolerant to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

Axial spondyloarthritis without radiographic evidence of AS (also known as non-radiographic axial spondyloarthritis)

Adults with severe active axial spondyloarthritis without radiographic evidence of AS but with objective signs of inflammation by elevated C-reactive protein (CRP) and /or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), who have had an inadequate response to, or are intolerant to NSAIDs.

Psoriatic arthritis

Cimzia, in combination with MTX, is indicated for the treatment of active psoriatic arthritis in adults when the response to previous DMARD therapy has been inadequate.

Cimzia can be given as monotherapy in case of intolerance to methotrexate or when continued treatment with methotrexate is inappropriate.

Plaque psoriasis

Cimzia is indicated for the treatment of moderate to severe plaque psoriasis in adults who are candidates for systemic therapy.

For details on therapeutic effects, see section 5.1.


4.2 Posology and method of administration

Treatment should be initiated and supervised by specialist physicians experienced in the diagnosis and treatment of conditions for which Cimzia is indicated. Patients should be given the special reminder card.


Rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, axial spondyloarthritis, plaque psoriasis

Loading dose

The recommended starting dose of Cimzia for adult patients is 400 mg (given as 2 subcutaneous injections of 200 mg each) at weeks 0, 2 and 4. For rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis, MTX should be continued during treatment with Cimzia where appropriate.

Maintenance dose

Rheumatoid arthritis

After the starting dose, the recommended maintenance dose of Cimzia for adult patients with rheumatoid arthritis is 200 mg every 2 weeks. Once clinical response is confirmed, an alternative maintenance dosing of 400 mg every 4 weeks can be considered. MTX should be continued during treatment with Cimzia where appropriate.

Axial spondyloarthritis

After the starting dose, the recommended maintenance dose of Cimzia for adult patients with axial spondyloarthritis is 200 mg every 2 weeks or 400 mg every 4 weeks.

Psoriatic arthritis

After the starting dose, the recommended maintenance dose of Cimzia for adult patients with psoriatic arthritis is 200 mg every 2 weeks. Once clinical response is confirmed, an alternative maintenance dosing of 400 mg every 4 weeks can be considered. MTX should be continued during treatment with Cimzia where appropriate.

For the above indications, available data suggest that clinical response is usually achieved within 12 weeks of treatment. Continued therapy should be carefully reconsidered in patients who show no evidence of therapeutic benefit within the first 12 weeks of treatment.

Plaque psoriasis

After the starting dose, the maintenance dose of Cimzia for adult patients with plaque psoriasis is 200 mg every 2 weeks. A dose of 400 mg every 2 weeks can be considered in patients with insufficient response (see section 5.1).

Available data in adults with plaque psoriasis suggest that a clinical response is usually achieved within 16 weeks of treatment. Continued therapy should be carefully reconsidered in patients who show no evidence of therapeutic benefit within the first 16 weeks of treatment. Some patients with an initial partial response may subsequently improve with continued treatment beyond 16 weeks.

Missed dose

Patients who miss a dose should be advised to inject the next dose of Cimzia as soon as they remember and then continue injecting subsequent doses as instructed.

Special populations

Paediatric population (< 18 years old)

The safety and efficacy of Cimzia in children and adolescents below age 18 years have not yet been established. No data are available.

Elderly patients (≥ 65 years old)

No dose adjustment is required. Population pharmacokinetic analyses showed no effect of age (see section 5.2).

Renal and hepatic impairment

Cimzia has not been studied in these patient populations. No dose recommendations can be made (see section 5.2).

Method of administration

The total content (1 ml) of the pre-filled syringe should be administered as a subcutaneous injection only. Suitable sites for injection would include the thigh or abdomen.

After proper training in injection technique, patients may self-inject using the pre-filled syringe if their physician determines that it is appropriate and with medical follow-up as necessary. The pre-filled syringe with needle guard should only be used by healthcare professionals. The physician should discuss with the patient which injection presentation option is the most appropriate.


4.3 Contraindications

Hypersensitivity to the active substance or to any of the excipients listed in section 6.1.

Active tuberculosis or other severe infections such as sepsis or opportunistic infections (see section 4.4).

Moderate to severe heart failure (NYHA classes III/IV) (see section 4.4).


4.4 Special warnings and precautions for use


Patients must be monitored closely for signs and symptoms of infections including tuberculosis before, during and after treatment with Cimzia. Because the elimination of certolizumab pegol may take up to 5 months, monitoring should be continued throughout this period (see section 4.3).

Treatment with Cimzia must not be initiated in patients with a clinically important active infection, including chronic or localised infections, until the infection is controlled (see section 4.3).

Patients who develop a new infection while undergoing treatment with Cimzia should be monitored closely. Administration of Cimzia should be discontinued if a patient develops a new serious infection until the infection is controlled. Physicians should exercise caution when considering the use of Cimzia in patients with a history of recurring or opportunistic infection or with underlying conditions which may predispose patients to infections, including the use of concomitant immunosuppressive medications.

Patients with rheumatoid arthritis may not manifest typical symptoms of infection, including fever, due to their disease and concomitant medicinal products. Therefore, early detection of any infection, particularly atypical clinical presentations of a serious infection, is critical to minimise delays in diagnosis and initiation of treatment.

Serious infections, including sepsis and tuberculosis (including miliary, disseminated and extrapulmonary disease), and opportunistic infections (e.g. histoplasmosis, nocardia, candidiasis) have been reported in patients receiving Cimzia. Some of these events have been fatal.


Before initiation of therapy with Cimzia, all patients must be evaluated for both active or inactive (latent) tuberculosis infection. This evaluation should include a detailed medical history for patients with a personal history of tuberculosis, with possible previous exposure to others with active tuberculosis, and with previous and/or current use of immunosuppressive therapy. Appropriate screening tests, e.g. tuberculin skin test and chest X-ray, should be performed in all patients (local recommendations may apply). It is recommended that the conduct of these tests should be recorded in the patient's reminder card. Prescribers are reminded of the risk of false negative tuberculin skin test results, especially in patients who are severely ill or immunocompromised.

If active tuberculosis is diagnosed prior to or during treatment, Cimzia therapy must not be initiated and must be discontinued (see section 4.3).

If inactive ('latent') tuberculosis is suspected, a physician with expertise in the treatment of tuberculosis should be consulted. In all situations described below, the benefit/risk balance of Cimzia therapy should be very carefully considered.

If latent tuberculosis is diagnosed, appropriate anti-tuberculosis therapy must be started before initiating treatment with Cimzia and in accordance with local recommendations.

Use of anti-tuberculosis therapy should also be considered before the initiation of Cimzia in patients with a past history of latent or active tuberculosis in whom an adequate course of treatment cannot be confirmed, and in patients who have significant risk factors for tuberculosis despite a negative test for latent tuberculosis. Biological tests for tuberculosis screening should be considered before starting Cimzia treatment if there is any potential latent tuberculosis infection, regardless of BCG vaccination.

Despite previous or concomitant prophylactic treatment for tuberculosis, cases of active tuberculosis have occurred in patients treated with TNF-antagonists including Cimzia. Some patients who have been successfully treated for active tuberculosis have redeveloped tuberculosis while being treated with Cimzia.

Patients should be instructed to seek medical advice if signs/symptoms (e.g. persistent cough, wasting/weight loss, low grade fever, listlessness) suggestive of a tuberculosis infection occur during or after therapy with Cimzia.

Hepatitis B virus (HBV) reactivation

Reactivation of hepatitis B has occurred in patients receiving a TNF-antagonist including certolizumab pegol, who are chronic carriers of this virus (i.e., surface antigen positive). Some cases have had a fatal outcome.

Patients should be tested for HBV infection before initiating treatment with Cimzia. For patients who test positive for HBV infection, consultation with a physician with expertise in the treatment of hepatitis B is recommended.

Carriers of HBV who require treatment with Cimzia should be closely monitored for signs and symptoms of active HBV infection throughout therapy and for several months following termination of therapy. Adequate data of treating patients who are carriers of HBV with anti-viral therapy in conjunction with TNF-antagonist therapy to prevent HBV reactivation are not available. In patients who develop HBV reactivation, Cimzia should be stopped and effective anti-viral therapy with appropriate supportive treatment should be initiated.

Malignancies and lymphoproliferative disorders

The potential role of TNF-antagonist therapy in the development of malignancies is not known. Caution should be exercised when considering TNF-antagonist therapy for patients with a history of malignancy or when considering continuing treatment in patients who develop malignancy.

With the current knowledge, a possible risk for the development of lymphomas, leukaemia or other malignancies in patients treated with a TNF-antagonist cannot be excluded.

In clinical trials with Cimzia and other TNF-antagonists, more cases of lymphoma and other malignancies have been reported among patients receiving TNF-antagonists than in control patients receiving placebo (see section 4.8). In the post marketing setting, cases of leukaemia have been reported in patients treated with a TNF-antagonist. There is an increased background risk for lymphoma and leukaemia in rheumatoid arthritis patients with long-standing, highly active, inflammatory disease, which complicates the risk estimation.

No trials have been conducted that include patients with a history of malignancy, or that continue treatment in patients who develop malignancy, while receiving Cimzia.

Skin cancers

Melanoma and Merkel cell carcinoma have been reported in patients treated with TNF-antagonists including certolizumab pegol (see section 4.8). Periodic skin examination is recommended, particularly for patients with risk factors for skin cancer.

Paediatric malignancy

Malignancies, some fatal, have been reported among children, adolescents and young adults (up to 22 years of age) treated with TNF-antagonists (initiation of therapy ≤ 18 years of age) in the post marketing setting. Approximately half the cases were lymphomas. The other cases represented a variety of different malignancies and included rare malignancies usually associated with immunosuppression. A risk for the development of malignancies in children and adolescents treated with TNF-antagonists cannot be excluded.

Post-marketing cases of hepatosplenic T-cell lymphoma (HSTCL), have been reported in patients treated with TNF-antagonists. This rare type of T-cell lymphoma has a very aggressive disease course and is usually fatal. The majority of reported TNF-antagonist cases occurred in adolescent and young adult males with Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis. Almost all of these patients had received treatment with the immunosuppressants azathioprine and/or 6-mercaptopurine concomitantly with a TNF-antagonist at or prior to diagnosis. A risk for development of hepatosplenic T-cell lymphoma in patients treated with Cimzia cannot be excluded.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

In an exploratory clinical trial evaluating the use of another TNF-antagonist, infliximab, in patients with moderate to severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), more malignancies, mostly in the lung or head and neck, were reported in infliximab-treated patients compared with control patients. All patients had a history of heavy smoking. Therefore, caution should be exercised when using any TNF-antagonist in COPD patients, as well as in patients with increased risk for malignancy due to heavy smoking.

Congestive heart failure

Cimzia is contraindicated in moderate or severe heart failure (see section 4.3). In a clinical trial with another TNF-antagonist, worsening congestive heart failure and increased mortality due to congestive heart failure have been observed. Cases of congestive heart failure have also been reported in rheumatoid arthritis patients receiving Cimzia. Cimzia should be used with caution in patients with mild heart failure (NYHA class I/II). Treatment with Cimzia must be discontinued in patients who develop new or worsening symptoms of congestive heart failure.

Haematological reactions

Reports of pancytopaenia, including aplastic anaemia, have been rare with TNF-antagonists. Adverse reactions of the haematologic system, including medically significant cytopaenia (e.g. leukopaenia, pancytopaenia, thrombocytopaenia) have been reported with Cimzia (see section 4.8). All patients should be advised to seek immediate medical attention if they develop signs and symptoms suggestive of blood dyscrasias or infection (e.g., persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, pallor) while on Cimzia. Discontinuation of Cimzia therapy should be considered in patients with confirmed significant haematological abnormalities.

Neurological events

Use of TNF-antagonists has been associated with rare cases of new onset or exacerbation of clinical symptoms and/or radiographic evidence of demyelinating disease, including multiple sclerosis. In patients with pre-existing or recent onset of demyelinating disorders, the benefits and risks of TNF-antagonist treatment should be carefully considered before initiation of Cimzia therapy. Rare cases of neurological disorders, including seizure disorder, neuritis and peripheral neuropathy, have been reported in patients treated with Cimzia.


Severe hypersensitivity reactions have been reported rarely following Cimzia administration. Some of these reactions occurred after the first administration of Cimzia. If severe reactions occur, administration of Cimzia should be discontinued immediately and appropriate therapy instituted.

There are limited data on the use of Cimzia in patients who have experienced a severe hypersensitivity reaction towards another TNF-antagonist; in these patients caution is needed.



The needle shield inside the removable cap of the CIMZIA pre-filled syringe contains a derivative of natural rubber latex (see section 6.5). Contact with natural rubber latex may cause severe allergic reactions in individuals sensitive to latex. No antigenic latex protein has to date been detected in the removable needle cap of the Cimzia pre-filled syringe. Nevertheless, a potential risk of hypersensitivity reactions cannot be completely excluded in latex-sensitive individuals.


Since tumour necrosis factor (TNF) mediates inflammation and modulates cellular immune responses, the possibility exists for TNF-antagonists, including Cimzia, to cause immunosupression, affecting host defences against infections and malignancies.


Treatment with Cimzia may result in the formation of antinuclear antibodies (ANA) and, uncommonly, in the development of a lupus-like syndrome (see section 4.8). The impact of long-term treatment with Cimzia on the development of autoimmune diseases is unknown. If a patient develops symptoms suggestive of a lupus-like syndrome following treatment with Cimzia, treatment must be discontinued. Cimzia has not been studied specifically in a lupus population (see section 4.8).


Patients treated with Cimzia may receive vaccinations, except for live vaccines. No data are available on the response to live vaccinations or the secondary transmission of infection by live vaccines in patients receiving Cimzia. Live vaccines should not be administered concurrently with Cimzia.

In a placebo-controlled clinical trial in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, similar antibody response between Cimzia and placebo treatment were observed when the pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine and influenza vaccine were administered concurrently with Cimzia. Patients receiving Cimzia and concomitant methotrexate had a lower humoral response compared with patients receiving Cimzia alone. The clinical significance of this is unknown.

Concomitant use with other biologics

Severe infections and neutropaenia were reported in clinical trials with concurrent use of anakinra (an interleukin-1 antagonist) or abatacept (a CD28 modulator) and another TNF-antagonist, etanercept, with no added benefit compared to TNF-antagonist therapy alone. Because of the nature of the adverse events seen with the combination of another TNF-antagonist with either abatacept or anakinra therapy, similar toxicities may also result from the combination of anakinra or abatacept and other TNF-antagonists. Therefore the use of certolizumab pegol in combination with anakinra or abatacept is not recommended (see section 4.5).


There is limited safety experience with surgical procedures in patients treated with Cimzia. The 14-day half-life of certolizumab pegol should be taken into consideration if a surgical procedure is planned. A patient who requires surgery while on Cimzia should be closely monitored for infections, and appropriate actions should be taken.

Activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) assay

Interference with certain coagulation assays has been detected in patients treated with Cimzia. Cimzia may cause erroneously elevated aPTT assay results in patients without coagulation abnormalities. This effect has been observed with the PTT-Lupus Anticoagulant (LA) test and Standard Target Activated Partial Thromboplastin time (STA-PTT) Automate tests from Diagnostica Stago, and the HemosIL APTT-SP liquid and HemosIL lyophilised silica tests from Instrumentation Laboratories. Other aPTT assays may be affected as well. There is no evidence that Cimzia therapy has an effect on coagulation in vivo. After patients receive Cimzia, careful attention should be given to interpretation of abnormal coagulation results. Interference with thrombin time (TT) and prothrombin time (PT) assays have not been observed.

Elderly patients

In the clinical trials, there was an apparently higher incidence of infections among subjects ≥ 65 years of age, compared to younger subjects, although experience is limited. Caution should be exercised when treating the elderly patients, and particular attention paid with respect to occurrence of infections.


4.5 Interaction with other medicinal products and other forms of interaction

Concomitant treatment with methotrexate, corticosteroids, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and analgesics showed no effect on the pharmacokinetics of certolizumab pegol based on a population pharmacokinetics analysis.

The combination of certolizumab pegol and anakinra or abatacept is not recommended (see section 4.4).

Co-administration of Cimzia with methotrexate had no significant effect on the pharmacokinetics of methotrexate. In study-to-study comparison, the pharmacokinetics of certolizumab pegol appeared similar to those observed previously in healthy subjects.


4.6 Fertility, pregnancy and lactation

Women of childbearing potential

The use of adequate contraception should be considered for women of childbearing potential. For women planning pregnancy, continued contraception may be considered for 5 months after the last Cimzia dose due to its elimination rate (see section 5.2), but the need for treatment of the woman should also be taken into account (see below).


Data from more than 500 prospectively collected pregnancies exposed to Cimzia with known pregnancy outcomes, including more than 400 pregnancies exposed during the first trimester, does not indicate a malformative effect of Cimzia. However, the available clinical experience is too limited to, with a reasonable certainty, conclude that there is no increased risk associated with Cimzia administration during pregnancy.

Animal studies using a rodent anti-rat TNFα did not reveal evidence of impaired fertility or harm to the foetus. However, these are insufficient with respect to human reproductive toxicity (see section 5.3). Due to its inhibition of TNFα, Cimzia administered during pregnancy could affect normal immune response in the newborn.

Cimzia should only be used during pregnancy if clinically needed.

Non-clinical studies suggest low or negligible level of placental transfer of a homologue Fab-fragment of certolizumab pegol (no Fc region) (see section 5.3).

In a clinical study 16 women were treated with certolizumab pegol (200 mg every 2 weeks or 400 mg every 4 weeks) during pregnancy. Certolizumab pegol plasma concentrations measured in 14 infants at birth were Below the Limit of Quantification (BLQ) in 13 samples; one was 0.042 µg/ml with an infant/mother plasma ratio at birth of 0.09%. At Week 4 and Week 8, all infant concentrations were BLQ. The clinical significance of low levels certolizumab pegol for infants is unknown. It is recommended to wait a minimum of 5 months following the mother's last Cimzia administration during pregnancy before administration of live or live-attenuated vaccines (e.g. BCG vaccine), unless the benefit of the vaccination clearly outweighs the theoretical risk of administration of live or live-attenuated vaccines to the infants.


In a clinical study in 17 lactating women treated with Cimzia, minimal transfer of certolizumab pegol from plasma to breast milk was observed. The percentage of the maternal certolizumab pegol dose reaching an infant during a 24 hour period was estimated to 0.04% to 0.30 %. In addition, since certolizumab pegol is a protein that is degraded in the gastrointestinal tract after oral administration, the absolute bioavailability is expected to be very low in a breastfed infant.

Consequently, Cimzia can be used during breastfeeding.


Effects on sperm motility measures and a trend of reduced sperm count in male rodents have been observed with no apparent effect on fertility (see section 5.3).

In a clinical trial to assess the effect of certolizumab pegol on semen quality parameters, 20 healthy male subjects were randomized to receive a single subcutaneous dose of 400 mg of certolizumab pegol or placebo. During the 14-week follow-up, no treatment effects of certolizumab pegol were seen on semen quality parameters compared to placebo.


4.7 Effects on ability to drive and use machines

Cimzia may have a minor influence on the ability to drive and use machines. Dizziness (including vertigo, vision disorder and fatigue) may occur following administration of Cimzia (see section 4.8).


4.8 Undesirable effects

Summary of the safety profile

Rheumatoid arthritis

Cimzia was studied in 4,049 patients with rheumatoid arthritis in controlled and open label trials for up to 92 months.

In the placebo-controlled studies, patients receiving Cimzia had an approximately 4 times greater duration of exposure compared with the placebo group. This difference in exposure is primarily due to patients on placebo being more likely to withdraw early. In addition, Studies RA-I and RA-II had a mandatory withdrawal for non-responders at Week 16, the majority of whom were on placebo.

The proportion of patients who discontinued treatment due to adverse events during the controlled trials was 4.4% for patients treated with Cimzia and 2.7% for patients treated with placebo.

The most common adverse reactions belonged to the system organ classes Infections and infestations, reported in 14.4% of patients on Cimzia and 8.0% of patients on placebo, General disorders and administration site conditions, reported in 8.8% of patients on Cimzia and 7.4% of patients on placebo, and Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders, reported in 7.0% of patients on Cimzia and 2.4% of patients on placebo.

Axial spondyloarthritis

Cimzia was studied in 325 patients with active axial spondyloarthritis (including ankylosing spondylitis and non-radiopraphic axial spondyloarthritis) in the AS001 clinical study for up to 4 years, which includes a 24-week placebo-controlled phase followed by a 24-week dose-blind period and a 156-week open-label treatment period. Cimzia was also studied in 317 patients with non-radiographic axial spondyloarthritis in a placebo-controlled study for 52 weeks (AS0006). In both studies, the safety profile for these patients was consistent with the safety profile in rheumatoid arthritis and previous experience with Cimzia.

Psoriatic arthritis

Cimzia was studied in 409 patients with psoriatic arthritis in the PsA001 clinical study for up to 4 years which includes a 24-week placebo-controlled phase followed by a 24-week dose-blind period and a 168-week open-label treatment period. The safety profile for psoriatic arthritis patients treated with Cimzia was consistent with the safety profile in rheumatoid arthritis and previous experience with Cimzia.

Plaque psoriasis

Cimzia was studied in 1112 patients with psoriasis in controlled and open-label studies for up to 18 months. The safety profile of Cimzia 400 mg every 2 weeks and Cimzia 200 mg every 2 weeks were generally similar.

During controlled clinical trials through Week 16, the proportion of patients with serious adverse events was 3.5% for Cimzia and 3.7% for placebo.

The proportion of patients who discontinued treatment due to adverse events in the controlled clinical studies was 1.5% for patients treated with Cimzia and 1.4% for patients treated with placebo.

The most common adverse reactions reported through Week 16 belonged to the system organ classes Infections and infestations, reported in 6.1% of patients on Cimzia and 7% of patients on placebo, General disorders and administration site conditions, reported in 4.1% of patients on Cimzia and 2.3% of patients on placebo, and Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders, reported in 3.5% of patients on Cimzia and 2.8% of patients on placebo.

Tabulated list of adverse reactions

Adverse reactions based primarily on experience from the placebo-controlled clinical trials and postmarketing cases at least possibly related to Cimzia are listed in Table 1 below, according to frequency and system organ class. Frequency categories are defined as follows: Very common (≥ 1/10); Common (≥ 1/100 to < 1/10); Uncommon (≥ 1/1000 to < 1/100); Rare (≥ 1/10,000 to < 1/1000); Very rare (< 1/10,000), not known (cannot be estimated from the available data). Within each frequency grouping, undesirable effects are presented in order of decreasing seriousness.

Table 1 Adverse reactions in clinical trials and postmarketing



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System Organ Class


Adverse reactions

Infections and infestations


bacterial infections (including abscess), viral infections (including herpes zoster, papillomavirus, influenza)


sepsis (including multi-organ failure, septic shock), tuberculosis (including miliary, disseminated and extrapulmonary disease), fungal infections (includes opportunistic)

Neoplasms benign, malignant and unspecified (including cysts and polyps)


blood and lymphatic system malignancies (including lymphoma and leukaemia), solid organ tumours, non-melanoma skin cancers, pre-cancerous lesions (including oral leukoplakia, melanocytic nevus), benign tumours and cysts (including skin papilloma)


gastrointestinal tumours, melanoma

Not known

Merkel cell carcinoma*

Blood and the lymphatic system disorders


eosinophilic disorders, leukopaenia (including neutropaenia, lymphopaenia)


anaemia, lymphadenopathy, thrombocytopaenia, thrombocytosis


pancytopaenia, splenomegaly, erythrocytosis, white blood cell morphology abnormal

Immune system disorders


vasculitides, lupus erythematosus, drug hypersensitivity (including anaphylactic shock), allergic disorders, auto-antibody positive


angioneurotic oedema, sarcoidosis, serum sickness, panniculitis (including erythema nodosum), worsening of symptoms of dermatomyositis**

Endocrine disorders
